Configurable Rounding Rules

Feature release - June 6, 2024

Introducing configurable rounding rules, where you can select how auto-generated prices will be rounded to avoid inconsistent price endings.

How it works

  1. When setting up an experiment campaign, select your price rounding rule: End in 9 cents or Whole number.
    1. End in 9 centswill round prices to decimals that end in a 9. Examples of this are 5.59, 5.69, 5.79, 5.89, 5.99 etc.
    2. 'Whole numberwill round prices to a flat number with no decimals. Examples of this are 5.00, 6.00, 7.00 etc.
  2. Rounding will be applied to the auto-generated price arms determined from your campaign min/max price range.
    1. Rounding will never apply to your Standard Price. Your Standard Price will always be one of the five tested price arms.
  3. The only exception to the rounding rules occurs if there is not enough range between your min and max prices. In that case, auto-generated prices will be split evenly across the five price arms ensuring one is your Standard Price.