TermSpresso Definition
ImpressionCount of unique device impressions for a SKU within a one-hour window.
Profit RateHow efficiently a SKU or price point generates profit.
Revenue RateHow efficiently a SKU or price point generates revenue.
Price ElasticityHow a change in price affects the demand for a product otherwise known as the price elasticity of demand.

Elastic items are price sensitive, while inelastic items are not.

This metric will be available for a SKU once its price agent reaches 1000 impressions and 10 orders.
LearningThis agent is collecting initial data and is not yet valid. The learning period is expected until the agent reaches 1000 impressions and 10 orders.
ExploringSpresso generative pricing is working to find the optimal price based on the agent strategy.
MonetizingSpresso generative pricing has found a leading price based on the agent strategy.
Opportunity on Non-optimized AgentsThis is the projected sales lift for this specific SKU, based on both sales data specific to this SKU and the overall valid agent performance across your entire organization for the last 30 days.
Opportunity on Paused AgentsThis is the projected sales lift for this specific SKU, based on the performance of its last valid agent.
CampaignGrouping of SKU price agents.
Standard PriceExisting selling price of the SKU. Ingested on a daily basis from catalog sync.
Traffic SplitPercentage of site traffic allocated to a price.
Product FamilyA grouping of skus within a specified family that enables price optimization to run on a family level. For example, this means all colors of a family will be priced the same price.

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