Experiment Campaigns

Create experiment campaigns through the Experiment Campaign page in the console.

What are Experiment Campaigns?

Experiment Campaigns are groupings of price experiments that share certain criteria.

Get Started

Add a new Experiment Campaign by clicking + Create Campaign:

  1. Fill in your Campaign Details. These details will be applied to all products added to the campaign:

    1. Campaign Name
    2. Start Date
    3. End Date
  2. Select or verify your Campaign Strategy. These values will be applied to all products added to the campaign:

    1. Goal:

      1. Select your goal to determine the the key performance indicator of your experiment.
      2. Choose between Profit or Revenue
    2. Exclusion Percentage:

      1. This is the percentage of customers that will be excluded from the price experiment. This is the holdout group that will be shown the standard price.
      2. This value will default to 10% as that is our recommendation for a standard experiment.
  3. Select or verify your Campaign Price Range. This is the -/+ range from catalog price that will be used to determine each product’s minimum and maximum price.

    1. % Decrement for Min. Prices

      1. This is the percentage below each product’s catalog price that will determine their minimum price in the experiment.
      2. This value is defaulted to 20% as that is our recommendation for a standard experiment.
    2. % Increment for Max. Price

      1. This is the percentage above each product’s catalog price that will determine their maximum price in the experiment.
      2. This value is defaulted to 20% as that is our recommendation for a standard experiment.
  4. Click create

    1. After creating the campaign, you will land on the campaign details page where you can add products to the campaign as well as view/edit campaign details.
  5. Add products to campaign:

    1. You have 3 options for adding products to campaign:

      1. Bulk input by SKU

        1. Add SKU numbers, separated by commas, directly on the page.
          1. The SKUs added will inherit all campaign details.
      2. Upload by CSV File

        1. Upload a list of SKUs via CSV file
          1. If CSV includes only SKU, the SKUs added will inherit all campaign details.
        2. Upload list of SKUs and additional details via CSV file
          1. If CSV file includes additional values for Min Price or Max Price, those values will override campaign details for those specific SKUs.
      3. Search and Add

        1. Search for a SKU within your catalog directly on the page and add to campaign.
          1. The SKUs added will inherit all campaign details.
  6. Manage products

    1. As products are added to the campaign, they will appear in the Manage Products section.

    2. View the individual experiment configurations of each product within the campaign by clicking into the product. This view will include the exact min and max price for each product, calculated from the default range. Calculations for these fields round to the nearest $0.09.

    3. Any value updated on the individual configuration level will override campaign details and be applied for that product’s individual experiment.

    4. To disable a product from a campaign, toggle the item’s status from active to disabled. This will pause the price experiment. A product will need to be disabled from one campaign before it can move into another campaign.

  7. Edit campaign

    1. Campaign details can be edited at any time. If a campaign details are updated, the updates will apply to all items in the campaign regardless if an individual item was previously edited.

    2. If a campaign is disabled, all products within the campaign will be disabled.

    3. If a campaign is re-enabled (previously disabled, then enabled again), all products within the campaign will be enabled.


Helpful Tips

  • Avoid overlapping other promotional pricing with Spresso price tests to reduce any biases into the price test
    • Check out how to use overrideToDefaultPrice feature within Price Optimization API documentation